
Haziran, 2010 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Self learning predictive analytics

Today, campaign management systems have some advanced inbound capabilities. When the customer comes to the touchpoints, he is automatically segmented according to some rules and for each segment, a proposition is made ready and offered to the customer. The system determines the probability that the customer might buy the proposition depending on the past information and experiences, and returns the customer the proposition with highest probability. All the interactions of the customers with the system is logged and analysed so that next time this customer comes to the touchpoint, he is proposed a better option depending on the interaction and product ownership, behaviours of that customer. When do you need to use those systems ? If you are the market leader, and your concern is retention, rather than acquisition, and your customers are heavily using ADC channels. If you decide to apply these systems, then you do not need to invest a lot on the expensive analytical modeling techniques ...

Customer experience management-CEM

CEM- Customer Experience management means to make the feelings of a customer well and pleasantly remembered at every interaction that customer makes through our firm's all channels at each process. Customer should be happy when we call him/her to sell our product. He should be happy when we deliver the product and the services we have given. He should be happy using our product. We not only decide who to sell what, we also refine our contact scripts and services to make the experience itself well enough to be remembered by that customer and be our reference customer. NPS (Net promoter score) actually measures that success. CEM is the result of a holistic CRM approach which is indeed very difficult to reach as a target.

How to apply CRM techniques in the retention market

If your company is the market leader, whether the market is growing or not, you are in the retention mode. You need to have loyal customers and cross-sell to those customers to increase your volumes and profit as there are little chances for acquiring new customers. It means you can optimize your marketing operations and expenditures by using advanced analytical CRM techniques. But it has also a limit. If the market is shrinking, and if you are the market leader, after certain amount of time, the CRM techniques you apply can not generate lumpsum profits or volumes. Then what you should do is to find a growing market and divest from the home country and invest more in the growing market. If your investment is small in the new market, then you should focus more on the acquisition of new clients, rather than retention based CRM techniques.

How to apply CRM techniques in an acquisition market

If your company has 5% of the market share in the sector it operates, and the market is growing fast, and acquisiton of new clients are more important than the retention of clients, and the relationship marketing is more important than mass marketing, which CRM techniques you can apply to increase profit. Sorry to answer the question, but the true answer should be NONE. As you need lots of new clients to keep up your business and compete with the other big companies in your market, it would be best not to spend any money on CRM. It would be best to have a good business plan with good products and pricing, and spend all your efforts to make the customer facing personnel better behaving towards customers and selling. In Turkey, most of the time, we are in acquisiton mode, rather than retention mode. So, Turkish company owners should be careful about western originated CRM techniques and methods which are difficult and meaningless to apply to Turkish market. On the other hand, there are ...

Holistic CRM

I talk about oneness, connectedness, unity, integrity in my other entries. Do you know how I have reached to that point: By trying to do CRM in a duality world which lacks unity, connectedness and integrity. It must be a black humor, but a reality. Moreover, the job I had as the CRM & DWH Manager in a bank has divided me into many small parts, and I have lost my unity at some point. Then I have realized that I should believe without believing or without dividing myself into many small pieces. The secret lies there: I should keep my unity and integrity while making the world turn around me. Only in this way, you can manage the customers, internal users from different departments, the technology, the processes. You can become a quantum leader and be the type of the manager the situation requires. You act and succeed without too much belief in it. Because when you start to believe in some pieces, then you become part of that piece, which make you dependent. If you have one person at t...

Altta kalan CRM'cilerin canı çıksın!

Çocukken hiç bu oyunu oynadınız mı, herkes birbirinin sırtına binmeye çalışır, altta kalanlar en sonunda ezilir, en üstte kalanlar oyunu kazanır. Organizasyonlarda da bu oyun sıkça oynanır, pazarlamacı, pazarlama operasyon ekibinin, operasyon ekibi proje yönetimi ve sistem planlamanın, sistem planlamacı yazılımcı ve testçinin sırtına biner. Binemediği zaman suçlar, suçlama nasıl olsa bedavadır, hep bir suçlu her zaman bulunur. Ben bu tür organizasyonlara güç tabanlı organizasyonlar diyorum, işbirliği gelişmemiştir, kimin kime gücü yeterse... En alttan yazılımcıyı çekip alın, hepsi birbirinin üzerine yıkılır, her şey tarumar olur. Bu tür organizasyonlarda, CRM gibi yatay ve pek çok birimin eş düzeyde katılımını gerektiren ekip oyunları pek doğru oynanamaz, çünkü oyunun kuralları değişiktir.